An Inspiration -- Spring Equinox

The Spring is in the air! ~

The Springtime, the time of new beginnings–an anticipation. It is the good fortune and the act of promise, to connect with our original flame of light, within. I am referring to our true hearts’ and souls’ desires and callings! The poem ‘Faith’ is inclosed to boost your imagination.

The Time to Set the Note for New Beginnings!

It’s the perfect time to set the note streight and high, for the new beginnings!  They are our  greatest intentions for our lives. The trick is not to expect, so it’s not owned to us, but it is the anticipation of the greatest unfolding in our lives with harmony and ease.

In the coming season of spring and the new beginnings, the days are longer. There is more Light and daylight, thus days come with more opportunities for various activities.

Align and Re-connect Within and With all that Is

It’s a good luck, at this time, to align within, and with our aspirations at first. To begin with, we  start with romancing the course of  our actions towards that perfect life, in great details.

Spacifically, it is good to tune in and re-connect with our Love and Light within, and with the outside world. This is where we can excel and reep the  rewards after the task is well done.

Remember our Soul Temple, within us?
I am reminding you of the Taoist teaching, which I’ve shared many of my posts to ephesize the importance of being connected within .

The sacred space between our physical heart and our Heart chakra in the middle of the chest. Our Message and the special task are stored in this sacred space the  Soul’s Temple

Our Special Task-The Soul Temple–Our Massage

The biggest significance of this sacred place in the middle of our chest is that our message, which is our purpose for this lifetime resides there.

It is usually patiently waiting until our awakening to its calling, It is there since the begining of our time, yearning its realization on the physical plane.

Therefore, all we need to do is connect to this sacred place, the light of our Soul, and converse to it.

Your Conversation, Your Connection

All the new beginnings,  the Spring time, all the new  Moons, and any new Day, is the perfect time to connect with our higher self being. We ask the questions, request the guidance, in regards to our life and evolution to the next level. This are the steps in this article how to converse with our Soul and receive the guidance.

Make some notes, map a plan, today and everyday in the coming seasons. In ecstasy, the new beginnings are everlasting fanomenon for all of  us.

Here, my poem on the ‘Faith’ within us to bless your communication and romancing within.


There is an island where faith begins
and that’s in you deep inside
there was the day when I realized
that reflection of the images inside.

In the beginning, there’re all kinds of them
Good and bad, and all of them the same
Line through—they were aimless

One day I found the purpose
of all, somewhere forgotten deep inside
when you’re a child, an island of Light

From that day on, there’re no more tears nor sorrow
The Joy comes in the morning, opens my heart
Hello discover, thanks for coming back!

Wonder of wonders
Life’s unveiling
Beams of my purpose are taking over reality

There’s a higher purpose in you

Don’t forget to call upon it
It comes once you call it!

One morning you’ll awake
with the voice deep inside
you’re not alone any more
He carries you away
High Mountains, do not leave, again!

Your voice is with you
to stay there, to take you high
To tell you what to do and why
What a ride
with that voice deep inside
to take you there, to get you high

High Mountains
Thanks for coming back!

In LOVE, today and always! Tat-Jane

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To listen to Tat Jane Bego Vic music and lyrics go to:

‘Resurrection Pie’.–Just in time here it is. You, make your own.
'Dancing Through the Clouds'
vocals/lyrics/musical arrangements
YouTube Music Video of my song/singing too, enjoy ‘Dancing Through The Clouds

in LOVE,  LOVE, LOVE 2~~

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