Life is a Special Dish

Have you ever thought of the days and of our lives as a delicious dish, where we’ve got the opportunity to prepare a brand new dish each and every day?

Cooking making some special dish every day

I find life to be an enchanting opportunity to create and explore every day of our lives. 
We have this unlimited potential. Check out your heart and mind if experiencing any limitations.
In this article, we will explore possibilities and leave limitations behind by acknowledging them.
I know we all have very many ingredients we can include and make each day a delicious dish.

The more we enjoy our cooking, the more delicious our dishes are for us and to those around us.
When we think of others, our hearts open and we can receive a full spectrum of ideas and inspiration comes to us in divine flow.

For a worth-while engagement, we want to shift from our immediate needs and concerns so that we can enjoy an expanded picture.

Our Movement Forward is Supported More than Ever Before

When we experience the world from our hearts view, we can perceive that all things are possible and available. 

The new higher frequencies on earth, are helping reduce our minds’ judgments and separation themes.
Waters we sail are more clear. They support our movement forward. As sailing is, the journey is more flowing with grace and ease. 
Consequently, a mind grip has lost the power and we are becoming active co-creators while offering all our gifts, and talents–our ingredients more freely.  
Finally, the theme of this time has shifted from us being observers, reviewing to active creators and co-creators.
Every day is a miracle, on the new earth where we are in designer—cook’s shoes.

More like sovereigns, we’re leading our lives from within, in honor of our unique paths and missions. Also, fully aware of the divine gifts we’ve received for this purpose.
There is a lot to look for when it is sincere creation from our hearts and souls.

How do we know what ingredients to include and how to make the best choice for each dish every day? Let us explore some ideas now. 

The Events We Experience are Tailored to Expand Our Unique Path

Along my journey, I was fortunate to be exposed to many different teachings, wisdom, knowledge, the ideas, notions, and the state of mind.
The opportunity to hear and be present at these events made me a great observer and listener. I sincerely love to hear what others have to say about anything in general. I will always share the teachings I learned but not with the intention for you to acquire and believe in each,  

The good news is that the current theme of the time we live in has changed to the new–more supportive system. Our faith and trust in others and ourselves have increased, which allows our experience with others to be more fulfilling.

PIN-‘Cooking-Making Some Special Dish Every Day’

We can experience the transformative power of trust.
When we trust, we allow the potential of every situation to unfold, naturally and with the least effort. 

Therefore, we’re aware that all the experiences, the teachings, and events that come our way are meant to expand our horizons and consciousness further. 

They are special ‘dishes’ prepared for us to become more versatile and adaptable in our ability to cope and to contribute to the world.

Trust, Faith, and Flow are our New Supportive Operating System 

Among everything, all this wisdom and knowledge stay with us, in our memory bank. At the right time, they appear out of nowhere, to help us subsist easier on our journeys.

Additionally, when we listen and hear through our hearts, we develop love and acceptance for others and ourselves, which is a great virtue.
Other people’s experiences and lessons, develop and strengthen the point of view for our growth, the divine trust in the universe, and others.

Therefore, we have full freedom of when and where we’re going to use all that we stored in our memory bank. In general, the more ingredients, the more experiences, the more wisdom we acquire, the more we are equipped for the meaningful and delicious dishes of our lives.

Also, perhaps being flexible while acquiring and implementing the knowledge we learned and to leave some room for conclusions on our own.

In other words, the things we live as they come our way aren’t black or white, right or wrong, but they are our unique shade of each. 

For this reason, the point is to keep experiencing life through the heart rather than the mind. By living life through the heart, we can hear and see more easily what is in alignment with our destiny and a higher purpose. 

Exploring, Seeing/Hearing Things Through The Heart

The ingredients served to us, for a second reason, which is not supporting Love and Unity consciousness, are not making a delicious dish. Our heart in the present moment can recognize those and protect us from further harm. 

Sometimes the teachings and experiences we have stored come to us decades after.  They flash out from our memory bank, and at the moment when we need them the most.

There is one other way, that can get us closer to our higher purpose, and the divine plan for our lives.
Allow me to explain further.

So, in the ancient Taoist teachings, the area between our physical heart and the heart chakra is called the Soul-Temple. We each have received our appointed task–Heaven’s Order is stored there.
For this reason, the significance is that we can connect to this vital part for our growth, the space between the Heart and Heart Chakra, more often.
By asking we can receive valuable information and guidance for our journey.

Equally important is that we have pure intentions, to be sincere, and to work on opening our hearts to our lives and the lives of others. Thus, to hear the true messages from our soul, through the heart.

I explained in the above-linked article the correlation between our soul, heart, and mind. Even if it does not look that way, our soul governs our lives.

The heart is a bridge between our innate soul’s desire and need to the mind that conducts the actions we live.

The current high frequencies on earth, support our heightened awareness in the now moment, where we can further purify the heart. Through simple conscious breath, to this area in the middle of our chest, we can further expand our hearts’ awareness.

Keep Clear Mind Through Dishing With Organic Plant-Based Foods

I have to remind everyone of the importance to nourish our bodies, minds, and spirit, with the organically grown produce.
As green and as fresh–not cooked, as possible. They are an important factor in our mental clarity and focus.

In this case of communication with our higher selves and hearing correct messages, the food choice is crucial. Genetically modified food causes fear and ‘not good enough’ attitude. For this reason, we avoid it on our acceleration path.

Daily communication with our higher selves through the heart and the soul temple, we can receive the necessary ingredients for our enchanting dishes and day-to-day activities.

Time well spent is the time closely aligned with one’s true essence, in the present moment through the heart.
, it is not only receiving messages but also spending time in reflection and getting comfortable within our heart and soul needs and visions. 

When we align with our unique soul’s plan, through the heart, we’re in divine flow, and we create a special dish every day of our lives.

Embracing the Trust and Flow and Their Transformative Abilities

It is the Divine combination of surrender, faith, the flow, and trust when the magic works through us.

Cooking Making Special Dish Every Day
PIN–‘Cooking Making Some Special Dish Every Day’ on Pinterest

When our dishes are the object of our innate being, and our hearts’ and souls’ desires and needs, they are all delicious and important.

Sometimes, it is not what we had in mind, but then our flexibility with gratitude comes in, and then magic is always present.

When we take a look more sincerely in review, we see that our cooking comes out perfect. The dishes they bring the best outcomes and are perfectly aligned with our highest plan.

There will always be another chance, another day, and another delicious, enchanting dish to be made and prepared. We’ve got to cook if we’d like to make a lot.
To illustrate I will share a poem I wrote some time ago, here it is

Hot Pot–Fashion Spot

We are racing dust on Broadway, it’s the perfect spot.
Beauties from all over, but we have also horses.
A couple in the back, a new one in the front,
I tell you all hot.
It has to be, it’s the fashion spot.

Feel like a lucky train, get a horse, ride on.
This life seems like the race, too hot,
always boiling water to the top.
Come to see, it’s shown here in the fashion spot–how to feel hot.
Everyone is cooking, full pot, the whole lot.

In lots by lots, the lot in a lot, lottery in the hot spot.
They say luck is a state of mind. I pull my dice.

You’ve got to cook if you like to make a lot.
It takes time, but don’t worry, it’s a full pot, the whole lot.

Get the horse, ride on. You find the spot, boil the water to the top.
In every spot trying to feel hot. Quite dangerous, but gives a lot.
Full pot, the whole lot.

I put my dice in the lot. In lots of lots. Lottery in a hot spot.
Boil that water to the top, too hot.
Get the horse. Ride on.
Find a new spot.

in Love and Light, always TJ

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To listen to Tat Jane Bego Vic music and songs go to:

‘Resurrection Pie’.–Just in time here it is. You, make your own.
'Dancing Through the Clouds'
vocals/lyrics/musical arrangements
YouTube Music Video of my song/singing too, enjoy
Dancing Through The Clouds

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4 thoughts on “Cooking–Making Some Special Dish Every Day

    1. Thank you, so much for taking the time to read my writings. I am so honored you enjoyed it! ~ sending LoVe ~ ~ ~

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