What is Benefit of the Sun and Moon to Humanity

#BlogBattle: The Moon

Natural Phenomenon Influencing Our Psych and Lives

The cycle of nature, the Sun and Moon, the Day and Night, the New and Full moon, is the most profound benefit to Humanity. They provide balance, alignment, and purify our lives, naturally.

The radiant golden rays of Sun, which hug and comfort the Earth, they ignite the fire and the light within each of our hearts with every new day.

Yet, at night, the cooling, gentle, silver light of the Moon, with its magical, sacred, feminine powers, graces and settles our beings with peace and inspiration.

This natural cycle of Day and Night, it’s nature’s perfect manifestation and perfection of balancing all that is feminine and masculine within us.

With not much effort and just by aligning with it, and recognizing its might, we can let this cycle of day and night, the Sun and Moon, alone, balance, heal and re-set our soul, hearts, minds, and bodies every day, naturally.

There is another cycle of the Sun and Moon that when examined and recognized as an asset to our evolution, can bring a great Union and uplift within us and our outside world.

That is the phenomenon of New and the Full Moon, every 28-30 days of our lives.
If you haven’t yet started benefiting from the magic of New and the Full Moon, I suggest that you start today.

The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are old Souls;
all three, they carry specific wisdom, knowledge, and different power within them, and on our lives.
They are each, approximately 3.5 billion years old.

So, to start benefiting from their influence, it is never too late.
To truly dive into different possibilities, it’s good to recognize some facts first.

The Sun and Moon Conjunction and their Impact on Human

Generally speaking, the Sun influences and rules our consciousness, our actions, reason, logic, analytics of our being, the speech, too. These behaviors connect us to our Fire element and the masculine power, our Yang.
On the other hand, the Moon influences in our lives are associated and stimulate our subconsciousness. Such as our emotions, feelings, receptiveness, intuition, mood, and creativity. Thus, represent our feminine within that is associated with the Water element and our Yin side.

Every New Moon is the new beginning when we have the opportunity to set the intention for our goals and areas of life that we want to transform or realize and bring to life.

The Sun is the Star, very close to Earth and other planets of our solar system. If there weren’t for Sun, Earth would be a cold place.

Earth orbits around the Sun, and the Moon orbits around the Earth.

The different phases of the Moon, as they appear on the Earth sky, are caused by the different amounts of sunlight reflecting from the Moon’s surface, while orbiting around the Earth, for 28-30 days at the time.

The New Moon happens when the Moon while orbiting, comes in between, and in alignment with the Sun and Earth. Thus, covers—takes over all the sunlight, leaving the side that is facing Earth in shadow. This phase appears as no moon, for about two days, and until the moon starts waxing, and New Moon appears.

The absence of the moonlight and the Sun’s high influence causes our minds, hearts, and spirit to be supercharged by the power of the Sun.

The New Moon, a Good Time for Setting the Intentions

The New Moon, and few days before are good time for us to set forth and invoke some new beginnings that we wish to manifest in the following two weeks. While the waxing Moon period and until the Full Moon we have the time to reflect upon the unfolding of the ideas within.
We’re likely to be able see clearly what and how to proceed to transform or bring about something to life.

This clarification and setting of our intent, while the New Moon, comes sort of naturally since our consciousness is exposed and stimulated by the Sun’s impact on the earth also, the absence of subtle moon’ power and light.

In the following two weeks, and the Waxing Moon period, we experience the increasing influence of the Moon’ power on our subtle bodies and our subconsciousness.

At this time, our receptive, indirect, subconscious minds are more stimulated and tend to come up with the most obscure and mysterious ways to bring our desires that we set forth to live.

Let me share one practical example of how this may manifest in real life.

If you’re a writer and you’re writing a book and know you’re missing some piece of information for your story.
You sort of know it’s dormant, and it’s stored somewhere in your memory bank. Your subconscious mind has it, and you can bring it forth and add the information to your story.

You may set up your intention, at the time of the New Moon, for this special information to be revealed to you.

During the waxing moon period, and the rising influence of the Moon, and giving that you’re actively working on your story, it is likely that the information you requested can surface and migrate from your subconscious to your conscious mind. Hence, you’ll be able successfully to continue writing your novel.

Using Nature Ways For Manifestation

At the same time, if we don’t set a good intention for our progress, our sub-conscious mind, may reveal some negative messages, memories, or experiences that can surface at and around the Full Moon.
The due that our whole system, especially emotional body is highly sensitive under the influence of a rising moonlight, it’s good to map out something good.

In essence, when we intend to enhance our gifts, and talents, our activities and tasks at the time of the New Moon, so that we can benefit others and our lives, there is a great possibility that the constructive ideas will surface during the period of intense influence of the Moon on our subconscious.


Scientifically proven, and it is worthy mentioning, only 10% of our brain is consciousness, and 90% is subconsciousness.

This means that within our subconscious mind we carry a wealth of knowledge, information, and abilities, which are dormant, and we can potentially awaken them during these periods of intense Moon’s influence on our psyche.

For the two weeks following the full moon, and the waning moon time when the moon is decreasing in her influence, we feel inspired to organize our lives. Spending time in revising, and modifying what we already have feels good and natural.
This is also a great time to break bad habits and reverse what’s not in alignment with our purpose and plan.
I found this period powerful for spending more time in reflection and aligning more with the source within.

In Conclusion On Power of The Moon

Moon phases can assist us to purify, re-set, and re-calibrate our conscious, subconscious, and develop our super-conscious hemispheres of the brain. Thus, aligning them more with potential powers of our soul, hearts, minds, and bodies.

The moon cycles can help us expand our horizons. Consequently, we can see and feel more clearly how we are part of the whole and our connection to cosmos and the universe. Note, during the occurrence of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, our potential transformation and growth are multiplied.
I explained in the following article more on the Eclipse phenomenon.

The connectedness with natural cycles and celestial beings is very nurturing, and it is a superfood for our soul, mind, spirit, intellect, and whole being.

It’s Magic, Magic, Magic in LOVE & LIGHT, TJ 


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