Heal and Rejuvenate Your Body and Life by Promoting Energy and Matter Flow

Body’s Energy and Matter circles are techniques, deriving from Traditional Chinese medicine, that we can use to promote energy and blood flow. By doing so, we promote overall wellbeing.
We can perform it any time and anywhere, while we commune to work, while running, riding a bicycle, or walking. It takes only 3-5-10 minutes at the time, silently or aloud.
If you suffer a chronic condition, it’s recommended to practice several times a day, for a total of 2 hours at minimum.

I have recorded a YouTube video, with my special Blessings, to assist  you in developing your vital energy, and matter flow  in the body.

Having in mind when energy  flows freely in the body there is less or no chance for illness, That makes the Energy Circle a healing circle, also.

When energy is promoted  and flows freely through the whole body. the organs, systems, and all parts, we experience health and happiness.

The Energy Circle is a Healing Aspect and Matter Circle Promotes Rejuvenation in the Body

In essence, these two simple practical techniques promote our health and rejuvenation on both levels, the physical and also, the mental, emotional, and spiritual. 
Two ancient sayings are reflecting on the importance of energy and matter creation and absorption:

When Qi–the energy and blood flow, one is Healthy.
To balance Yin and Yang is to heal all sickness.

Yin and Yang are Universal principal and law, given that coexists in everyone and everything.
In the instance of Energy and Matter circles in our bodies, the energy circle is the Yin, and the matter circle is Yang.

Practicing the Energy Circle will assure the healthy energy and blood flowing, and the Matter Circle can control healthy absorption and distribution of the matter.
Therefore, by practicing and developing these two circles of the body, we’re healthy and we’re prolonging life, also our yin and yang are in balance.

Benefits of Energy and Matter Flow in our Daily Lives

VDBody’s Energy & Matter Flow

The proceeding practice will help you remove blockages from your Energy and Matter flow in the body.
Consequently, once the energy start flowing  you’re boosting physical health, and your energy, vitality, and immunity are increasing.
For this reason, the Energy circle is also referred to as a healing treasure for all bodies’ physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual impairs and conditions.
Although, the Matter flow, through the rejuvenation circle will rejuvenate us  and will prolong our lives.

Use these two practices to complement healing and rejuvenation of all physical conditions and other challenges, including depression, anxiety, sadness, and similar mental and emotional imbalances.
To expand the wisdom, considering that everything has the soul, so as the energy and matter flow, our finances and relationships can be improved or healed by implementing the Energy and Matter circle. Thus, we can initiate the healing of many aspects of life and  promote the flow of energy and matter within them. 

How Do We Promote Energy and Matter Flow–the Technique

The Energy Circle flows through our body’s central channel, from the 1st Chakra, and through all 7 Chakras, up to the top of the head, and down the back to the tail-bone. 

Sounds that vibrate and resonate these areas in our body promoting the Energy Flow are:

Hei – Sound vibrates the 1st Chakra — the bottom of the torso.
Heng – Sound resonates the 2nd Chakra –the lower abdomen area.
Hong – Sound stimulates the 3rd Chakra–the navel area.
Ah – Sound vibrates the Heart Chakra–in the middle of the chest
Xi – Sound stimulates the 5th Chakra–the throat area.
Yi – Sound for the 6th Chakra–the brain area.
Weng-Sound vibrating the 7th Chakra–the Crown–top of the head.
You – Sound resonates the space in front of the Spinal column.

Vocalize (you can sing, it’s recorded on the video) the vowels repeatedly, slow, fast, loud, and softly. Alternate the sounds by singing in the groups of 6 sequences at the  time:

Hei – Heng – Hong – Ah – Xi – Yi – Weng – You (X6) 

A Tip: I suggest listening to the recorded video at least once for a melody to enhance and ease-in your practice time.
In Summary:  By voicing the above sequence–the Energy Circle vowels, repeatedly, we remove the blockages from our major energy centers–the chakras. When the energy flows in these areas simultaneously we’re healing our physical body and our minds and our spirit is uplifted.

The Matter Flow Practical Technique

The Matter Circle — flows along the backside, in front of the Spinal Column up, and from the top of the head, coming down the 7 Chakras, to the Root Chakra.
It flows in the opposite direction from the Energy circle.

The sounds–the vowels, which vibrate and resonate these areas of the body are:

You – Weng – Yi – Xi – Ah – Hong – Heng – Hei  (X 6)

Energy and Matter Flow Practice

So, as with the Energy circle, vocalize the sequence in the groups of 6 sequences at the  time.

The spiritual and energy, healing, and practical techniques have served Humanity for more then five thousand years.
Therefore, it is time to refresh our memory and re-learn them again because of their effectiveness and simplicity.
They are perfect for our busy lives style.


In Brief:

The Ancient wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques have been proven to be extremely powerful for Healing, Transformation, and Prolonging life. Additionally, they are the path to advancement and the soul, heart, mind and body Enlightenment. 

The usual length of these energy practices is 10-15 minutes per day, to feel significant improvement in energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity.

Please, enjoy it, Benefit from it, and don’t forget to share your experience with me and others.

in LOVE & LIGHT ~ Tat Jane

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in LOVE and LIGHT, Tat Jane