Breathing To Heightened Awareness ~ A Perfect Bliss

Conscious Breath to Heightened Awareness

In  support to the current higher frequencies of light on Earth, I found that conscious breathing is effective to experiencing heightened awareness. 
In this article, I will explore the conscious breath and breathing to accelerate faster on our journeys at this time. These breathing techniques  can shift us easily to higher levels of awareness and consciousness. Entering these states we can experience a perfect Bliss within and with the outside world. Let us begin.

I experience that focusing on my breath and breathing is assisting me in entering a heightened state of awareness, now, more than ever before.
Exactly, I am entering the  state of a so called ‘perfect bliss’ through my conscious breathing. So, you can do it also, try it now. 

The Power of Now through the Conscious Breath and Breathing 

I also realized, lately, that the conscious experience of every breath brings more power to the present moment. Additionally,  it ignites the feeling of true belonging to the here and now.
I found that belonging to hear and now is ecstatic and it moves our lives in more perfect harmony and flows from within.
Moreover and simultaneously, we can experience belonging to beyond this time and space. The feeling of belonging beyond time and space is eternal; as a result we can catch the glimpses of eternity and a higher state of consciousness here and now. 

The Experience of Eternal Moment  in our Hearts through the Conscious Breath

In brief, it is more obvious to me today that eternity manifests itself when the mind is still and the heart takes over the lead, in the now moment.

Consequently, conscious breathing can take us to the state of complete stillness of the mind. Silencing the mind is the way we enter the heart more deeply. 
Therefore, I believe the 
stillness of the mind is crucial for experiencing of heightened awareness and seeing/living the truth of all things and our reality.
Finally, when our mind is still, we are closer to our  soul’ potential and callings, which are so important at this time.

To illustrate further, I feel my every breath like a soft pillow between the experience of my physical body and all creation, including all animate and inanimate beings.

For this reason, I brushed on ‘Tantric’ ancient yogic breathing techniques. The Yogic breathing comes to my mind while walking on the lake, one day.
While walking and focusing on doing this ancient technique, I had an aha moment, followed by the variation of the same technique.
As I’ll explain further in this article, I’ve been guided to practice this technique since last week’s ‘Tidal Wave of Light frequency.’
The wave has brushed the earth and evidently increased our ability to access the altered states of consciousness more easily.
It will be more tidal waves of higher frequencies of light in the years to come. Luckily, we are evolving, together with Mother Earth and other planets, accelerating to the higher levels of consciousness and awareness.

The Samadhi State is the Perfect Bliss Through Conscious Breath In the Now

In delight I have realized, we have spent quite some time reading and learning about different levels and states consciousness and the time has come to experience them on Earth, inevitably.
I am referring to the state of consciousness, also know as the Samadhi or a Perfect Bliss state, we can obtain through conscious breathing, with some practice. 

So, I feel like I started learning to breathe again by paying attention to each breath I take while walking or doing other activities. In the most extreme ways, like the ancient yogis, and through these new frequencies of light on earth we can reach the heighten awareness, 

Through these occurrences, I am certain we don’t need to go to the caves of the Himalaya Mountains, to experience the benefits of conscious breathing techniques. We can live their full power, right here and now, wherever we are on Mother Earth.

Take a breath and intentionally pull in all the light frequencies available into your body. Visualize your central channel and all the chakras, in brilliant white column of light. We can nourish abundantly by drawing upon the light-force of the Universe above and the frequencies of the crystal core of Earth below.
With each breath, we can raise our frequency higher and towards the frequencies of, these celestial beings.

I experienced it so I invite you to try it, now.
I am practicing it and what’s occurring is what I would call heightened states of consciousness and awareness.
This is about using what is freely available to all of us, so let us do it.

The Ancient Yogic Breathing Technique Explained

Sit or stand up straight, spine erects not leaning on any surface that light can flow around the body. Once, we get hold of the breathing technique we can practice it through walking, or doing other things.
We can seat on the cushion, supporting the back, in the full or half-lotus position. Keep the back straight, and head parallel with Universe.
Have a sense of the cord of light, coming out the core of the Earth going up, and through the Earth Star Chakra (3 feet bellow the ground) to the Root-1st Chakra. Simultaneously, we visualize and feel the crown chakra is opening, and through the silver-cord connecting to the cosmic energies.
We can proceed with what we’ve done in the previous blog post, and I will just quickly go through with what I added to the steps.

Say, aloud, or silently: I call Light to come to me now.
We imagine now, 2″-6” in diameter golden-white crystalline light, coming from the above and activating and lighting up our all 12 Chakras. 
Five from above our heads, allowing all the blessings and light from the Source–the Divine light stream to flow down through the body, and through the Earth Star Chakra, to the crystal core of the earth.
By visualizing and experiencing all 12 chakras in crystalline light at once, we are connected and grounded to all that is above and below us.

The Invocations to the Heightened  Awareness  

At this point, we can say: I activate my Prana-tube now! 
Feel the column of white crystalline light-activated and moving through your central channel.

If we are in a safe place, we can now say:
I concentrate and expand my aura, now.
Imagine your egg shape aura, with all the 12 chakras lit up, and with golden edges expanding to as much as you feel comfortable with, at the moment.

Take one full breath in, through the nostrils and breathe out through the mouth. We can do a few full breaths-in to experience our bodies and all we have visualized already .

#12-Chakras and Human Energy Field, Soul Light Universal, #Alternative Thearapy, Alternative Healer, New York, New York
12-Chakras and Body’s Energy Field and Flow

I realize that these breathing techniques can be done while sitting in the meditative position on the floor or the ground. Additionally, and as well as while standing or walking, and while doing other day-to-day activities.
I believe to do it more offend, is a significant point for a faster acceleration at this time.

When the technique becomes second nature to us, we can uplift our spirit’ in this way anytime. Through breath and breathing we can experience the Now, fully. All that we have for certain is only the now. Therefore, there is nothing more potent than experiencing Heaven on Earth through the heart-breath in the now moment.
Observing the breath, and all thoughts and emotion that arise within, through the eyes of love in the now, thus aligns us with our Divine Selves. 

The Tantric Breath Technique 

We always start with an exhale first, and to oxygenate our bodies the most we take a breath through our mouths and let it fill our bellies firstly (making the sound of the ocean wave rising). 
Secondly, we let it flow up filling up our rib-cage and our chest (with breath rising our chest, our spines’ are lengthening and shoulders are expanding outwards, naturally). Once the breath reaches the throat area (we experience lengthening of the neck and raising the head up, a bit, naturally), where its stops, in the back of the throat for few moments, and just before a slow exhale (when it makes that beautiful sound of the ocean wave falling– the feeling of release). This will make the  chin slightly tucked down, and shoulders pushed outwards, with the spine still expended, and throughout the full exhale.

Although it seems like a 3 steps breath, it’s meant to be one long wave of breath, without stops. There is only one stop for a moment when breath reaches to the back of the throat, and just before the exhale.

Try this Now for few consequent rounds of exhaling and Inhaling by visualizing beautiful waves of sky-blue crystalline light moving through you.
 The suggested minimum is taking the 6 rounds of breath at the time.

The Immediate Benefits of Conscious Breathing

Just by doing a couple of rounds of taking in and out a conscious breathe with visualization of high light frequencies we can regain energy, peace and mind clarity.
This  is a powerful way to oxygenate when we are in nature and outdoors.
Besides, we can breathe the light and energy force of the universe into any of our momentary challenges and see them dissolving into the light and eternal flow of the Univers

When we desire just to quiet down and experience peace of mind, and our presence, we can do the same exercise with just breathing-in through both nostrils, filling up the bellies first, pushing up the air through our chest to the back of the throat, and breathing out through the mouth, instead.
Both breathing techniques work perfectly either way. You can be creative and explore according to your needs and tendencies.
You can experience moving the light and Prana of the Universe through the Heart following the same pattern with breath.
Observing ourselves and being aware of the breath and the light is the key to shifting to heighten awareness. Taking a breath through the heart and observing it with the eyes of love will open our hearts more. 

While and after practicing this breathing technique we feel energized and vitalized. Also, we can experience our presence in the now more vividly and be empowered.

An Extended Breathing Practice

The second—and an extended part of the same breathing exercise will awaken our central channel, all 7, and 12 Chakras will be on fire. Furthermore, the extended practice will assist us in experiencing the perfect Bliss and One Heart consciousness with everyone and everything, In other words, the heightened awareness of being one with All.
With some practice we can go beyond time and space, the experience of ‘Samadhi’ or the perfect Bliss. Like the ancient yogic masters, although right here and now, and wherever we’re on earth, due to higher frequency of light that is available to all. 

For the extended breathing practice, we will do the same steps of breathing and will just add ‘3 locks’ for ‘each part’ of the one complete round of breath.
Let us begin:

The ‘1st lock’

Start with the exhale and then take the breath through the mouth, filling up the belly first, at that moment we gently contract the anus (muscle right above the perineum). This is our ‘1st lock.’
Notice an extra push to our breath, and lengthening of the abdomen and up, to the rib-cage after the 1st lock. Thus the spine is extending with shoulders opening more outwards and up,

The ‘2nd Lock’ 

After filling up the belly and when the breath passes the shoulder blades we’re to implement the ‘2nd lock’ in the area between the shoulder blades, which will completely fill and stretch the chest outwards and up. Consequently, it will also push the air and light up, and more vigorously to the back of the throat. 

The ‘3rd Lock’

When the breath reaches the back of the throat we are to apply the ‘3rd lock’ with a stop for a few moments, then slowly release it through the exhale. Let the sound freely out by visualizing the  ocean wave falling down. While tacking the chin down a bit and pushing out the breath, with the spine and shoulders staying stretched up and outwards, while the head is raised up, chin slightly tacked in, on the exhale.
This is all happening naturally, it is not suppose to be much effort on our part, we are just executing it.
Try it now, for the full 6 rounds of breath to experience it.

‘The Locks’ Serve as an Extra Push to the Light throughout our Focused, Conscious Breathing.

Breathing the #Light #frequencies from Universe and the EarthIt’s noticeable that the ‘Locks’ are implemented to push the air and the light more easily and vigorously up.
Through visualization, the ‘1st lock’ is also a signal for us ‘to light up’ all the chakras energy vortexes and to feel the surge of energy and light coming up the central channel.
The light, throughout our body is awakening all cells, and its moving up through the head to the Universe more easily with each round of breaths.

Consequently, all the parts of our body will receive a massage and will strengthen and expand through each round of breaths.

Be creative with visualization and activation of your chakras and the light through your body. You can do every day different visualization by reconnecting deferent chakras, and make various  intentions.

Breathing the Light through the Nostrils

We can use another variation of this original ‘Tantric’ yogic breathing technique, with alternate holding of each nostrils while inhaling and exhaling.
On the in-hale, we can use the thumb to close the right nostrils, and on the ex-hale we use the middle finger to close the left nostrils, while exhailing out through the right nostrils.  
You can add, and inhale through one nostril, to the count of six, hold the breath in the head for six counts, and exhale out through the opposite nostril, through six counts. 
We alternate this breathing through the nostrils for six rounds.
In this way, we’re bringing the Prana and the light to the middle of the head. This type of breathing through alternating the breath through the nostrils stimulates the Third Eye. Besides, it is very handy to use it for quickly calming down in a midst of the busy day. 

In Summery of Many Benefits from the Conscious Breath & Breathing 

With each new practice and our breathing exercise, we are one step closer to the awakening of our Divine Self presence and potential. All that we are, here and now in this physical form is invigorated through our breath.
Conscious breathing, through the heart, is the way to mastering the physical form. Mastering the form means, to master our thoughts, awareness, and holding everything we experience through our Divine Selves in love.

Through activating all 12 Chakras and our central channels, with conscious breathing, we can bring balance to others, humanity, the animate and inanimate beings, planet Earth, and our lives.

Each breath is our complete connection to Divine Source, to now; with this connection, we each become the stargates enabling, peace, bliss, and ascension to enter into humanity through us.

It seems through breath we can attract abundance to flow easily and through our lives. Since nothing ever happens to us but through us. Therefore, when we experience lack in any aspect of life, we can breathe an abundance of Universal Light frequencies to it.
Thus, it may obtain the steady flow where neither restrictions, nor resistance exists, and we’re in the eternal flow of our Divine selves presence, in the now. 

Practice makes perfect, and so it is!

in Love and Light! ~ TJ


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PIN ~ Breathing to a Heightened Awareness