Assembly of the Sun & Moon In Conjunction For Our Awakening Globally

The Effects of Solar & Lunar Eclipse on Human Psyche

The Sun and Moon, the New and Full moon, the Solar and Lunar eclipses, have profound effects on Humanity.
During these natural occurrences, we have the opportunity to attain greater balance and alignment within, and with the outside world.
The unique impact comes through the opportunity for clearance and balancing of our conscious and subconscious brain hemispheres.
Due to the sun and moon’s emanations of greater light frequencies, effecting our subtle bodies, there’s an opportunity to release many pains, sorrow, grief, sadness, traumas, and similar experiences that are unsolved, and remained in our hearts, minds, and the bodies. Thus, we can resolve such issues intentionally.

This lifting of the darkness within humanity, globally, allows more light, from the Sun and the Cosmos to elevate our existences, extensively.
So, it’s important to be aware and ready when such things take place since the frequency and vibration on the earth changes, so as our paradigm shifts.
As a result, Humanity consciousness is being affected and we can find ourselves either more aligned with everything or more distracted if unaware and unprepared. Let me explain further what’s possible and how to align so, to advance form it always. It’s truly nature’s free advancement for our journeys to take advantage of.
In this article, we will explore why and how it is possible to use them to our best benefits.

The Last Year 2019–the New Beginning for Humanity’s Evolution

The last year was worth remembering as a lucky 2019 Year. It was a year of mass Transfiguration.
If we look up, in the dictionary, what the word ‘transfiguration’ exactly means, it is a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful form or Spiritual place.
This happened and was possible because of the New and Full moon phenomenon multiplied and intensified by two eclipse seasons.

Solar Eclipse January 5th, 2019
Solar Eclipses

The New Moons in general mark new beginnings in our lives, when it’s an eclipse occurring simultaneously, its effects on our being are intensified, more permanent, and they last longer.
So, the last year began auspiciously, with eclipse season and the New moon with a Solar eclipse. As I mentioned earlier when it’s the new moon with the solar eclipse, in conjunction, the opportunity for our transformation is deeper and with its intensity lasting for six months, with additional six new and full moons.
Additionally, at the end of January, we had the Full Moon, and the Lunar eclipse. This natural accuracy made a full manifestation circle where we had an amazing opportunity to clear lots of emotional and mental baggage from our lives. Consequently, knowing or not knowing we advanced tremendously on our journeys, globally.

And this was not the end. In the summer of last year, we had another eclipse season. That was another opportunity for us to polish our physical and spiritual presence, and to be uplifted to the higher realms of consciousness, knowing or not knowing.
Thus, it created an opportunity for us to align with our true purpose and our higher selves being, now, more than ever before.

The Effects of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses

I am mentioning this, to emphasize the significance of these natural cycles of sun and moon, the eclipse seasons, which can facilitate permanent changes for us, Humanity.

This alignment happens naturally, as a result of the intensified influence of sun and moon on our whole system, especially the subconscious, and conscious minds get clearing and alignment. 

Let us examine how the release of emotional and mental baggage, and as a result, the opening of our hearts happens. 

We want our hearts open to establish the flow of our nature, talents, and gifts effortlessly. 

Finally, we want our Cosmic consciousness to awaken through the activation of the portal of Love within. This is when we experience our lives through the eyes of love and bliss. 

So, make certain you keep this in your heart and chose the things you are working on. New, and the Full Moon are always the powerful time for manifesting and further aligning with our true selves and our chosen destiny.

The Sun & Moon and Their Influence

Keep in mind that when the cycles are intensified, by the Solar, and Lunar eclipses the effects and the time we have for our manifestations are extended for additional six New, and the six Full Moons, within an eclipse season.
It is our extended opportunity for the alignment, purification and realization of the higher goals and purposes.

The alchemy of the gentle, silver light of the Moon, with its sacred, feminine powers, graces our being at night, and all throughout the moon phases. The moon has the power to ignite our hidden wisdom and knowledge, from other existences, by influencing our subconsciousness intensely.

Scientifically proven, only 10% of our brain is consciousness and 90% is subconsciousness.
Additionally, when our conscious and subconscious minds are in proximate balance, and without blockages, it’s easier for a human to advance and reach the superconscious abilities.

In like manner, the radiant golden rays of the sun, which hug and comfort the Earth during the day, effects and ignites the fire within our hearts.

These cycles of the new, and full moon, and lunar and solar eclipses its nature’s perfect way of balancing and harmonizing our lives.
With not much effort and by living in heartfelt awareness of these nature’s perfection, we can balance and nurture our soul, hearts, minds, and bodies by aligning nature’s way.

The Solar and Lunar Eclipse Examination

Let us examine, the Sun and Moon in conjunction when their powers are magnified.
We want to utilize this potential for our manifestation, unification
and to align within during these cycles.

If you haven’t started benefiting from the significance of New and the Full moon, I suggest that you start from today. Especially at times when these celestials beings are in conjunction, Lunar or Solar Eclipse when we can benefit the most.

The Sun, the Moon, and the Earth are very old souls.
All three, they carry specific, wisdom, knowledge, and different power within them, and on our lives.
They are each, approximately 3.5 billion years old.
To truly dive into different possibilities, it’s good to recognize and understand some facts first.

The Sun affects our consciousness directly and indirectly through the moon it effects our subconsciousness.
The consciousness, the right brain hemisphere rules our actions, reason, logic, and analytical side of our being, the speech, too.
Those are the masculine powers within us, the fire element, and our Yang.

Influence of the Moon to our Subtle Bodies

On the other hand, the moon influences are associated and stimulate our subconsciousness.
Our emotions, feelings, receptiveness, intuition, mood, creativity are the feminine within us, the Water element, and our Yin.

Lunar Eclipses Season 21,2019
Lunar Eclipses

Also called the left hemisphere of the brain.
The truth is our ultimate goal is oneness, the unification in all areas of our being, which includes the brain.

When our brain hemispheres are in a proximate balance, we can experience peace and freedom in our lives. Additionally, when the left and the right brains are in harmony, the pineal gland produces serotonin, the natural elixir, which stimulates the feelings of harmony, and ecstasy.
In this way, the new and the full moons are times to balance brain hemispheres. As well as to realize and awaken our dormant brain cells. Let us examine further.

How do the moon phases and the eclipses happen?

Earth orbits around the Sun, and the Moon orbits around the Earth.

Moon Phases and Why they Can Influence our Lives

The different phases of the Moon, as they are perceived from the Earth, are caused by the different amounts of sunlight that reflect from the moon’s surface, while orbiting around the Earth, for 28-30 days at the time.

The New Moon happens when the moon while orbiting, comes in between, and in alignment with the Sun and Earth. While in this alignment, the Moon consequently doesn’t receive the sunlight on the side that is facing Earth. Thus appears as no moon, for two days.
Then, the waxing of the moon begins and New Moon appears.

At the time of Solar eclipse, though, the moon blocks sun’s rays on earth, totally or partially, so is the effect of the moon on our conscious minds intensified.
The solar eclipse conjunction and moon overshadowing the sun rays can bring more refined insights into our consciousness.

Which happened over last year intensely for two times and less intensely over the eclipse season for ten additional months. This was the Divine interaction, a true miracle, and global transformation for better.

Likewise, during the Lunar eclipse, and the sun’s overshadowing the moon, it’s the opportunity for our subconscious to be exposed to logic and sense of the sun’s rays. This happened over the last year two times, intensely for the great benefit to our hidden strengths to be exposed.

To go back to the new moon or full moon invocation, on both occasions for a different matter, a couple of days before, are good times for setting up the intentions for things we wish to project.

In the following two weeks, and the waxing moon period, we experience the increasing influence of the moon’s energies. Thus causes our receptive and intuitive side to be more active.
As a result, we can come up with ways to bring our set intentions to life.

Benefit from the Moon Phases with Practical Example

Let me illustrate one practical example of how this can manifest in real life.

Suppose that we would like to be a more powerful contributor to this time on the new earth. In other words, we intend to bring out more of our dormant gifts and abilities to life, so that we can be of better service to this time on earth.
We are aware that there are abilities within us that
seem dormant but stored in our memory bank.
Lots of information that we’re not consciously aware of is stored in our subconscious minds and also we carry those messages within our soul.

Due to our heart’s being in direct connection to the potential powers of our soul, we can earnestly send the intention, through our heart, to the mind to bring these memories or the information, from our other existences to our consciousness, while the waxing moon period.
You will be surprised with all that can happen in the following two weeks and until the fool moon.

The point is that we set the intention a few days before the New Moon, for any specific information to be revealed to us.

Set an Intention That Can Benefit Others, also

Given, that we’re actively working and truly desire to bring out more of our potential and hidden abilities everything is possible.
Due to the rising influence of the moon on our subtle bodies, the information we requested may surface.
This is the power of our heart and soul under the gentle moonlight influencing our subconsciousness.
In other words, when the heart thinks, things come to life.
Remember this and think through your heart when you’re manifesting anything.

The additional information we requested or an ability to assist our journey can be revealed to us by using natural cycles of sun and moon.
Some of our abilities and gifts are more dormant than others.
But if we continue with the pursuit of bringing our potential out, and for the highest good, the progress is evident.

At the same time, if we don’t set a good and specific intention for our progress, our subconscious mind may reveal some dormant negative memories or experiences to surface with the Full Moon.
Start benefiting from this wisdom right away. It will put you in the creator’s shoes and you’ll be more inspired in your life.

The Divine Intervention is Eminent On Earth At This Time

These intense natural occurrences and purification of humanity’s subconsciousness and consciousness, globally, are times of great upliftments and Divine intervention to assure the success and realization of the new age on earth.
The last year was monumental in that way and allows us to truly benefit day-by-day extensively today.

In conclusion, within our subconscious minds, we carry the wealth of knowledge and information. More of our abilities are dormant.
We can work to awaken them during these periods of more intense moon’s, and sun’s influences on our lives.

In the same way, and for the two weeks time following the Full moon and the waning moon time, due to moon decrease in size and influence, we feel inspired to organize our lives.
In other words, put what we gain during the waxing moon time to action.

It is a great time for revising, altering and modifying what we already have.
In this regard, there’s a potential to break off the bad habits, and reverse what’s not in alignment with our higher destiny.

Also, the waning moon time is a good time for introspection and aligning more with the source within.

Final Thoughts

Moon phases and the sun’s influences are assisting our purification, resetting, and recalibration process, in all aspects of life.
Surely when used intentionally they help us grow and align with our purpose and potential faster.

#Solar #Eclipse #Lunar #Eclipse
Solar and Lunar Eclipse times and benefits for our evolution

Our horizons, expand. We experience that we’re part of the whole and one with the Cosmos and all Universes.

Our connection to the Divine, the Source is strengthened.

This connectedness we live while being one with nature, through Sun and Moon, are nurturing and are food for our soul, mind, spirit, our intellect, and our body.

With our collective effort, let us serve through all our abilities and co-create the new, and more extensive version of the Golden Age on Earth once again.

To read more observances and how the Solar and Lunar Eclipses influenced our Human psyche globally in the last 2 years, click here.

in LOVE & LIGHT, Tat Jane

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"Save the Planet" song by Tat Jane Bego w/Rock Child
“Save the Planet” by Tat Jane Bego w/
Rock Child
‘Resurrection Pie’.–Just in time here it is 4U.
'Dancing Through the Clouds'
vocals/lyrics/musical arrangements
Music Video of my song/singing too, enjoy
Dancing Through The Clouds

Love TJ

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