How to Overcome Challenges in 3 Simple Steps

When we experience challenges in any aspect of our lives, we can be sure that our physical and our spiritual world are not in  harmony. The physical world, and the way we experience it (our Yang), it’s not in balance with our innate being (the Yin).
It’s usually very simple, even if it seems complicated at the time.
For this purpose, let us recall the Universal principle and law of Yin and Yang. and what it means in this instance. Everything has Yin and Yang. Therefore any aspect of life has it too, also:
When Yin and Yang are in balance, we experience harmony.
Harmony means that there isn’t room for a challenge, for that aspect, to manifest in our lives. 

In this article, I will explain how to implement this wisdom of yin and yang principle and law, to overcoming obstacles.
The following three simple steps can help us avoid most of the problems and can ease the way of making important decisions. Let me explain further the soul wisdom behind the technique.

The Universal Law of Yin and Yang in Relation to our Challenges

3_Step_Technique_to_#Overcome_#CallangesGenerally speaking, Universal law means something that can be applied to everything, universally. Yin, stands for many things in life, and in this instance, it means our innate nature.
Thus, regarding an issue we experience, Yin is the inner world within us.
Similarly, Yang, among many meanings also, means physical, the outside world, in this case.
So, we want to bring our inner world in alignment  with the outside world, to avoid obstacles.
Therefore, implementing the Yin and Yang principle and law, we can create the balance, flow, and harmony within our troubled aspect.

We apply 3 Simple steps.

Step 1: Identify the challenge.
In other words, we acknowledge and face the physical aspect of the issue and what it is.
To identify the issue is an easy step since our problem has already manifested.

Step 2: In the morning, when we first wake up, when our mind is peaceful, clear, and receptive, with no chatter, we connect
to our Yin aspect of this trouble.
We connect to our inner world reality–the soul of this issue. Exactly, we call upon the power of our soul through the heart center.

Our soul, the light being within us, is always ready and willing to assist us.
All we need to do is to ask for assistance and tune in to listen for the guidance. If you are not familiar with the power and abilities of your soul, please read the article on soul power.

Say Hello to Your Soul and the Higher Self

Say Hello, as you would to a friend on the street.

Dear my beloved soul, I love you, please offer me guidance on how I can transform my ______ situation, or finances, my anger, my resistance, or my health challenge ___, or anything else we need guidance.
We elaborate in detail, our problem, and the help we seek. Talk to your innate being like you would to a friend, family member, or a psychologist.
At the end of our inquire we say Thank You, to our soul in sincere appreciation.

The more our heart is open and we are honest with, the more we’ll obtain a better answer.
Our Soul has all the knowledge, experience, wisdom, and answers, we will ever need. We talk to our soul like we would to a very close friend.

Once we are done, we quiet down and listen to the messages that our soul has for us.

At this point, the trust and faith that you can hear the answer are important. This takes practice and being easy on you.
Even if you can’t hear anything, at first, all you need to do is send more love to your soul and trust,
The key to this communication is patients and the feelings of love and gratitude. Repeat the process until you completely become one with it. In other words, you become a patient and an open-hearted listener of your higher self- being. 

We give it some time in loving support, imagining golden light in the area between our physical heart and heart’ chakra, where our Soul Temple is. Visualizing the golden sphere of light in this area of the soul temple, and consciously connect to it will also assure that the guidance we receive is in alignment with our highest purpose and plan. 

Trust and Follow Up On Guidance You Received

Additionally, be mindful not to have many expectations, since these messages are very subtle and delicate, so any of our attitudes or big expectations may dissolve the message and push it away.

Finally, if we don’t hear the answer right then, we have to know that the answer will come in different ways sometimes later.

We can receive the message in the form of image, word, sentence, or just an inner knowings of the answer for our inquiry.

Therefore, the point is to ask and to be aware that guidance is coming, thus to trust our soul.

Sometimes we may be guided to an event, newspaper, to an action that will reveal some answers and guidance.

Additionally, we can re-phrase the question at another time to receive more information on what we need to know.

Step 3: Step three is the most important that is to follow the guidance we receive from our soul.

Balancing the Inner with the Outer World can Heal our Challenges

In its essence, what we want is to pay respect to our souls’ wants and needs. We do NOT want to make decisions that are solely guided by our minds and common knowledge.

So, our physical lives, no matter how good or bad they look and feel like, at the time, if they are not aligned with our innate true-nature, and our soul desires, they will not be beneficial to us; in the long run, we are bound to experience challenges and difficulties.

Our unhappy Soul will create and attract problems and challenges for us to experience, and to learn lessons.

Real-life Experience and Teaching

Let me illustrate with a practical example, I have experienced in my life.

In 2006, I joined the venture, in order ‘just to make money’ to support my physical life. I was aware that joining this venture is not aligned with my highest soul’s purpose, and need.
I failed to obey my soul’s guidance.

I joined the venture, since my ‘powerful’ mind, at that time, believed it will be able to sort of ‘play it off’ and trick my spirit, and my soul, and come back to it when I meet my immediate needs.

I ended up having a draining and depleting time for over 6-7 years. I had invested much time and money, and have not accomplished my goal of reaching financial freedom.
On the contrary, I ended up in massive debt and totally exhausted I left the venture at the end of 2012.
I have to stop right here, although this was not the end of my financial downfall. I will add that I still have not recuperated financially from this experience.

My example may seem very drastic and to the extreme to you, but I can assure you that the more powerful your soul is, the more challenges it can create for you to experience and to learn lessons.

Final Words on Overcoming Challenges

It is my sincere desire that something  like this does not happen to you, my beloved readers. For this reason, I have enclosed simple practical advice and technique to help you avoid a similar disaster in your life.

You can apply the 3 step technique, for overcoming challenges, through implementing the yin and yang principle, to any area of your life.
Essentially, our innate light being, our Higher-Self, can help us solve the problems in our relationships, finances, decision makings, or otherwise.
You can be confident in this.

“Ask (your beloved soul) and it shall be given to you.”
That is what the Bible says, and so it is!

In Love and Light, always TJ

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in LOVE and LIGHT, with you always Tat Jane

2 thoughts on “3 Simple Steps to overcome Challenges~Yin/Yang Balance

  1. Very encouraging. I am a person who gives thanks and is grateful every day, which I believe is the same greatfull for each minute thing that makes me who I am. As I am grateful for readingvthis today.

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