Medicine Buddha–Yao Shi Fo

Medicine Buddha-‘Heart Sutra’

Medicine Buddha, (Yao Shi Fo-his name in Chinese) was an amazing Enlightened, Holly Being with the greatest intentions and desires to heal ALL beings and relieve them of all sufferings.

He intended to heal the sufferings, not only in Human beings physical bodies, but also in our mental, emotional, and spiritual lives and bodies. He meant to satiate peoples’ needs and to enlighten them, as he was.

His popular ‘Heart Surtra’ -Mantra says about his intentions and statements.

Heart Sutra-mantra Translation from Sanskrit:

“To eliminate not only pain of diseases but also help in overcoming the major inner sickness of attachment, hatred, jealousy, desire, greed and ignorance.”

In Sanskrit (and on the above YouTube Video): 




Medicine Buddha’s ‘Heart Sutra’

Medicine Buddha ‘Heart Sutra’ Chanting and Visualization Practice

Go into the condition of Love and Gratitude, for your life, life of others and yourself.
Connect with the great Spirits, your spiritual fathers and mothers,  in particular attempt to connect, heart to heart, soul to soul with Medicine Buddha’ great soul.
Expand your Consciousness beyond the limitations of the physical world and repeat the Medicine Buddha’s ‘Heart Sutra’ mantra. Silently or aloud, fast or slow, the best is to alternate both, in order to balance your Yin and Yang, at the same time.

Visualize Your Heart Expanding

See your Heart expanding and reaching out, beyond the place you are at, beyond the city or town you live, beyond your country, beyond your Continent, and other continents, beyond planet Earth, and away, throughout our Solar System, and out, out, out to other Universes . Experience the vastness of your own heart and soul in this visualization. All the while keep repeating the Heart Sutra mantra, smile as an ascended master yourself.

This mantra can help us purify our mind, body and our spirit–our heart and soul. Any of our negative mind sets, negative beliefs, ego, and attachments can dissolve, little by little. It will increase our spiritual wisdom, and knowledge–our soul standing here on earth and in heaven.
The ‘Heart Sutra’ mantra helps us overcome physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges, blockages, an appeared limitations of our being.

Read the below Medicine Buddha’s Vows, and you’ll understand deeper Medicine Buddha power and commitment to serve, and his offerings to others.

Finish the Meditation by Focusing Within

When you’re finished with the above Visualization, and your exploration, and after chanting ‘Heart Sutra’ for 3 to 10 minutes, or more. Bring your focus back, within your own Heart and rest there, in the middle of your chest, for a minute or two.

To completely conclude the practice, it’s always best to focus in the area just below the navel. Our lower abdomen where is our foundation, the core to our life force.

Always remember to offer Gratitude after every spiritual practice.
Saying tree times: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

First, Thank you is for the Divine and the Source.
Second, Thank you is for our Spiritual mothers and fathers.
Third, Thank you is to our own soul, heart, mind and body.

The Twelve Vows of Medicine Buddha

The Vows of the Medicine Buddha, upon attaining his Enlightenment and according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra are:

  • Illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
  • Awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
  •  Provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
  • Correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva.
  • Help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.
  • Heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
  • To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
  • Give aid to women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
  • Assist and heal mental afflictions and delusions.
  • Support and help the oppressed be free from suffering.
  • Relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
  • Clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Medicine Buddha.
Love You, LOVE You, LoVe You!

You rocked your time and you still rock through US. by Tat Jane

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in LOVE and LIGHT,  Tat Jane

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